Theses 6-8
Sustainable development and responsibility are integrated into all activities of the universities. In addition to the strategic outlines, clear implementation plans, responsible parties, indicators and monitoring are also needed. The management, staff, students and student unions are engaged in universities’ sustainability and responsibility work by involving the different actors in the drawing up of sustainability assessments, plans, objectives and criteria.
The following concrete measures must be taken:
Universities see finding solutions to climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the combined effect of these environmental changes as decisive for the fate of humanity.
The Ministry of Education and Culture requires higher education institutions to become carbon neutral by 2030 and according to the objective set in the Government Programme, Finland will be carbon neutral in 2035 and carbon negative soon after that. Universities will respond to this challenge. They are in a key position determining scientifically reliable calculation and compensation methods and emissions reduction targets, among other things.
Universities work actively to prevent the decline in biodiversity and bring the importance of biodiversity to the societal debate, decision-making and activities.
The following concrete measures must be taken:
Systematic work must be done continuously to promote equality, equity, diversity and accessibility. Universities commit themselves to a debate, education, practices and activities aimed at preventing subconscious prejudices and discrimination.
Sustainable operating models require sustainable conditions. By reducing temporary employment relationships, universities create better preconditions for performing its work and basic tasks.
The following concrete measures must be taken: