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Strategy 2024–2030

Strong universities build a resilient society

Unifi is the common voice of universities

Unifi acts as the voice of Finnish universities and a forum for cooperation. The basic tasks of Unifi are:

1. To strengthen universities’ framework conditions

Unifi’s aim is to ensure that the importance of scientific and artistic research, education and culture produced by Finnish universities is recognised in society. Unifi is working to ensure that universities have a strong status, good framework conditions and an increasing impact in society. This is reflected in decision-making as long-term policies regarding science and higher education as well as adequate resources. To achieve these aims, Unifi:

  • influences research and education policies and decision-making
  • analyses and predicts the operational environment of universities and produces information and gives insights for universities, decision-makers, the media and industrial stakeholders
  • introduces issues related to science, arts and higher education into public debate

2. To strengthen cooperation between universities

Unifi strengthens cooperation and interaction between Finnish universities. It serves as a forum where rectors and vice-rectors form common positions. Unifi compiles the views of universities and their expert networks into common objectives and advocacy. To achieve these aims, Unifi:

  • provides a platform for active dialogue between the Rectors’ Council, Vice-Rectors’ groups, experts and other stakeholders
  • takes new initiatives to develop the entire university sector
  • raises topical issues on the university agenda in Rectors’ and Vice-Rectors’ groups, working groups and events

Unifi’s vision for 2030:
Strong universities build a resilient society

Universities are building a better future. The excellence in education and science provided by universities renew society and business life. Research, education and learning create well-being, strengthen trust and build resilience against crises.

Science, research and education are widely appreciated. Half of the young population has received a higher education degree. Public university funding has increased in relation to student numbers and GDP.

The university sector consists of forward-looking universities that complement each other and engage in close national and international cooperation. Universities form attractive research, learning and innovation environments that attract experts from around the world.

Strategic priorities for 2030

1. Bildung supports stability and well-being

Universities maintain stability and democracy: they generate independent scientific and artistic research, offer high quality education and advance critical thinking. They provide education that gives tools for dealing with changes and increasing the crisis resilience of individuals and society. Universities uphold the intrinsic value of education and science.

Unifi is working to ensure that

  • the scientific and artistic freedom, recognition of expertise and trust in scientific knowledge are widely accepted values in society.
  • the role of universities in providing solutions for green and digital transition grows and is widely recognised.
  • the funding, governance and regulatory environment of universities supports the universities to increase the quality and impact of their activities and internationally distinctive profiles.

2. Research and education reform society

Universities produce solutions to the grand societal challenges, create new understanding and change the world. High-quality university education is based on the latest research. Universities provide multidisciplinary skills for working life, make education accessible to all learners and attract international experts.

Unifi is working to ensure that

  • the level of education and competency is raised without compromising the quality of higher education and by allocating sufficient resources.
  • universities can predict educational needs and train multidisciplinary experts to reform society.
  • the number of highly educated RDI experts increases, and skills and competencies of doctoral graduates are utilised extensively.

3. Universities create an attractive and international Finland

Universities are important contributors for the economic success of society. Increased productivity and improved public economy require research and expertise. Universities will integrate Finland into the global economy and cooperation. Universities are sought-after partners that attract RDI investments and experts to Finland. Predictable R&D funding increases the quality and impact of science. Universities are building international competence ecosystems. Universities influence European research and education policy and funding through key networks. This will create an open and inclusive Finland with good employment opportunities.

Unifi is working to ensure that

  • university research and research infrastructure are funded in a long-term, predictable and adequate way.
  • the RDI system supports research and education cooperation between universities and companies, the public sector and NGOs.
  • EU funding for research and education will increase.
  • the number of international talents is growing and they are integrating smoothly into working life and society.

Common principles of Unifi and universities

Excellence. Impact. Sustainability and responsibility.

We aim for high quality

Universities produce high-quality research and teaching. This is how we compete for the best students, experts, funding and partners. We continuously assess and develop our operations.

We strengthen impact

Universities are reforming society. We respond to information needs and solve challenges. We are building a university sector where members collaborate and complement each other and that serves society. We ensure scientific freedom.

Sustainability and responsibility guide our operations

Universities operate sustainably and produce the knowledge, understanding and experts that will drive the sustainability transition. We work closely with the rest of society to find solutions to the great challenges of our time.