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Sustainable growth springs from innovative research

Long-term research reforms society and business

It will help Finland adapt to structural changes, make the green transition and digitalisation real and predict crises such as the pandemic. It is therefore important for decision-makers to:

  • Understand the great benefits of long-term and extensive research to society
  • Finance bold, research-driven curiosity research
  • Ensure that public university funding develops favourably, as in reference countires

Attractive ecosystems draw in significant RDI investments

Only by creating sufficiently influential centres of excellence on an international level can Finland become a global leader in its areas of strength. It is therefore important for decision-makers to:

  • Prioritise RDI activities and increase investments to the level of international leaders
  • Invest in high-quality research infrastructures
  • Ensure that financial instruments support cooperation between research and business in a versatile manner

Partnerships with universities guarantee the vitality of regions

When companies, cities and local operators have close links with the academic community, they gain access to research information and top experts, thus creating a viruous cycle that increases attractiveness. It is therefore important for decision-makers to:

  • Utilise researched knowledge in regional decision-making
  • Support universities and partners in obtaining international research funding
  • Cooperate across sectoral boundaries in regions in order to attract experts