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 | Press releases and News

The Nordic University Association endorses the principles of Plan S

Endorsement of Plan S The Nordic University Association (NUS) endorses the principles of Plan S and its aim to accelerate the transition to…

 | Press releases and News

The preparations for Horizon Europe proceed, Finnish universities organise a series of high-level seminars to share their vision on the missions – “We must unite our forces in turning science and technology for the benefit of people and society”

The preparation of European Union’s next framework programme for research and innovation Horizon Europe is currently underway. The Commission has published…

 | Press releases and News

UNIFI demands Open Access and gives its full support to FinELib’s negotiation goals – ”We can make science more efficient by making research based knowledge available to everybody”

Universities Finland UNIFI considers it to be important that Open Access principles will be implemented quickly and therefore gives its full…

 | Press releases and News

UNIFI is satisfied with the European Parliament’s decision to invoke Article 7 concerning the situation in Hungary – Academic freedom must be protected

The European Parliament voted on 12 September 2018 to trigger Article 7 sanctions procedure against Hungary for undermining democratic values. Universities Finland…

 | Press releases and News

UNIFI and Arene: Sexual violence case at EUSA Games must be investigated and the organizers have to improve their attitude – ”This kind of behavior cannot be accepted”

The Finnish Student Spors Association OLL reported on Tuesday, that Finnish athletes have been the target of sexual harrassment, sexual assault…

 | Press releases and News

Finnish universities and research institutes: The budget for the next research and innovation framework FP9 must be doubled to solve major global challenges

The European Union’s next framework programme for research and innovation is currently being prepared. The FP9 budget is of major importance…

 | Press releases and News

UNIFI has published a position paper on the mission-oriented approach of FP9

Universities Finland UNIFI, representing all Finnish universities, has contributed ideas to the mission-oriented approach proposed for the next European Framework Programme…

 | Press releases and News

UK university leaders to visit Finland on March 19th – welcome to the Brexit panel discussion at Think Corner

UK university leaders will be visiting Helsinki on March 19th. The group will meet with the Finnish leaders of higher education…

 | Press releases and News

UNIFI condemns the forced resignation of university deans and calls for academic freedom in Turkey

Universities Finland UNIFI condemns the forced resignation of 1577 university deans and calls for institutional autonomy and academic freedom for scholars and students…